
My name is Liam Costa and I was born and raised in Montreal, QC, Canada. I attended a school in downtown Montreal called Ecole F.A.C.E between pre-kindergarten all the way up until I graduated from high-school. F.A.C.E is a fine arts school which offers a curriculum that focuses more on the arts than a sports school has sports. Since first grade, all the students enrolled at that school including myself had to take instrumental music, vocal music, visual arts and acting courses as part of our regular, everyday curriculum. I learned how to play, read, and write basic sheet music at the age of 10 on the recorder and xylophone (which is basically a piano that you hit with sticks). I wasn't terribly good at music until about grade 5. In the 5th grade everyone takes tests to see which instrument they will be playing for the rest of their high-school careers. Strings, wind and brass were our options and I, hilariously enough, got a "no" in every category. That is until I was given the opportunity to play percussion. I was a percussionist for 7 years, and a good one at that. I played in the school's most advanced band and traveled to Europe to play in the World Music Festival in Greece. All this to say that I have a very deep artistic background, having been in choirs, bands, theatrical plays and numerous other performances. Photography was really a side project for me. My uncle is a fantastic photographer who would occasionally require assistance and I would do just that. He would lend me the camera and I would take pictures of whatever peaked my interest in my immediate surroundings. I take all my photos in black and white because there isn't a whole lot of complexity to it. I find that these pictures are beautiful in their simplicity. Art is and always will be apart of me and I look forward to delving into new forms of art over the course of my life.